Hear it Through the Pipeline
Who is INPAA?
Indiana Pipeline Awareness Association is comprised of 61 operators around the state of Indiana. We were founded by operators themselves and are a committee of Indiana 811, which means, our INPAA Program Manager, an Indiana 811 employee manages the program for all operators. We streamline messaging to specific stakeholders groups around the state of Indiana. These groups include the affected public, public officials, excavators, and emergency officials. Our outreach is baseline compliance with RP1162, with the exception of bill stuffers. You can read more about the requirements listed here.
View our most recent video to discover how we engage with each stakeholder group. Details are provided below or accessible through their respective tabs.
Emergency Officials:
Every year we hold 20 meetings around the entire state of Indiana to educate first responders on what to do if there is a pipeline emergency and how to respond. Our members attend each of their corresponding meetings. You can get more information here.
We send out a mailer once a year to Indiana excavators promoting pipeline safety and 811. You can see our 2023 mailer here.
Public Officials:
We send out a mailer once every 3 years to Indiana public officials promoting pipeline safety and 811. You can see our 2021 mailer here.
Affected Public:
We complete a radio buy once a year during the fall. This radio buy is a 60 second radio ad that is played throughout the state to promote natural gas safety and 811. You can hear our current radio ad here.
4 Year Effectiveness Survey:
For the 4 Year Effectiveness Survey we hire a company to review all surveys attached to our mailers as well as questionnaires from our emergency responder meetings. They also perform a general public phone survey and analyze the data from the responses on those calls to develop our four year effectiveness survey. You will utilize this during your audit Public Awareness Audit.
Membership for Indiana Operators:
You will be able to attend our monthly INPAA meetings, emergency responder meetings, share edits on mailers, and have voting rights within the INPAA membership. You will also get access to our Sharepoint that houses all of our material from mailers, radio buys, and emergency responder documentation.